Sunday, September 26, 2010

Virginia Univ.

Instructor of Italian (part time)
The Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures at Virginia Tech (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University) is seeking qualified candidates to teach two elementary Italian classes in Spring 2011. Salary $6,800.
Near-native fluency in both Italian and English.
Demonstrated excellence in and commitment to teaching Italian.
Candidates must have completed a minimum of 18 graduate semester hours in Italian and have experience teaching Italian as a foreign language.
M.A. in Italian language, literature or culture.
Experience teaching Italian language in an American university.
This section will be viewed by the applicant and can be used to explain the application process:
-Materials applicants must submit as part of their online application
-Mailing instructions for supplemental materials (e.g. transcripts, references, tapes, portfolios)
-Name and contact information for the search chair for applicant questions
Instructional/Research Faculty
Non-Tenure Track
Non-Standard Academic Year
Part Time
Foreign Languages & Literatures
College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences
two or three days a week
Resume/Curriculum Vita
Cover Letter

Rochester Univ. - Ass. Prof. of Italian


Updated: 9/23/2010

Assistant Professor of Italian
Italian: University of Rochester, Eastman School of Music, Humanities Department. Position Announcement: Assistant Professor of Italian. The Eastman School of Music of the University of Rochester invites applications for a 3-year renewable, non-tenure-track appointment in Italian to begin fall 2011. Candidates should demonstrate strong commitment to teaching courses in Italian language, literature, and culture. Completed Ph.D. preferred. Area of specialization open. Ability to teach Italian lyric diction desirable but not required. Further information at . Review of applications begins October 31, 2010. Interviews at MLA in Los Angeles. To receive full consideration, please submit a letter of application, curriculum vitae, writing sample, and three current letters of recommendation to via attachment with subject Italian Search to or by regular mail to: Timothy Scheie, Chair, Chair, Humanities Search Committee, Eastman School of Music, 26 Gibbs Street, Rochester, New York 14604-2505. The Eastman School of Music seeks to create a musical community that is rich with cultural, social, and intellectual diversity. We are an Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer and actively encourage applications from groups underrepresented in higher education.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Tirocini MAE

Laureandi e neolaureati hanno tempo fino al 28 settembre 2010 (ore 18) per candidarsi al terzo Bando MAE – Fondazione CRUI per il 2010, che metterà a disposizione 580 posti di tirocinio presso lesedi MAE di tutto il mondo. Il programma è rivolto ai laureati di primo livello e ai laureati e laureandi di specialistica e di vecchio ordinamento delle 67 Università che aderiscono al programma. Queste avranno il compito di curare la fase di preselezione, alla quale seguirà una valutazione da parte del Ministero degli Esteri e della Fondazione CRUI.
sedi di tirocinio sono suddivise in 434 paesi: 372 posti sono in Europa, 53 in America del Nord, 56 in America del Centro-Sud, 38 in Africa, 29 in Asia, 13 in Oceania e 19 in Medio Oriente.
Lo stage avrà una durata di
3 mesi, prorogabili fino a 4, con avvio previsto per il 17 gennaio 2011. I profili richiesti sono diversi: per tutti l’obiettivo è quello di acquisire una conoscenza diretta con il mondo del lavoro ed in particolare delle attività del Ministero degli Esteri e delle dinamiche della diplomazia internazionale. Il Bando non si rivolge solo agli universitari dei corsi di laurea di stampogiuridico, economico ed umanistico ma anche a quelli provenienti da diverse facoltà scientifiche.
Sul sito, oltre al Bando (link diretto: sono presenti tutte le informazioni relative ai requisiti e un forum (link diretto: dedicato al programma di tirocinio.
Per informazioni si può scrivere a

Saturday, September 18, 2010

PhD a Bochum

Da :

PhD lingue/linguistica (Insegnamento Lingua Italiana)

scritto da Bochum, 17.09.2010, 09:34

12 PhD Grants

The Ruhr University Research School promotes top-level postgraduate education throughout the Ruhr-Universität Bochum.

The RUB offers research opportunities in 20 faculties from life sciences, through natural sciences and engineering to the humanities and social sciences. We provide wide prospects for an individual research project in an attractive and international research environment.

Grants include

* 1.000 € per month (max. 36 months)

* in addition support for consumables and travel

* special support service for foreign students

* state-of-the-art research facilities

* structured scientific programme

* transdisciplinary Science College

* training of transferable skills

* supervision and mentoring arrangements

* career guidance

Deadline for application is October 31, 2010.

Details can be obtained at

The coordination is handled by the Central Coordination Office (CCO) of the Research School. For further information about RURS visit

Assist. Prof. of Italian - California Univ.

University of California, Berkeley: The Department of Italian Studies invites applications for a tenure-track position at Assistant Professor level, to begin July 1, 2011. Only applications from candidates with the Ph.D. already in hand will be considered. Specialization: any field of Italian literature, history or culture between 1559 and 1870, with the ability to contribute to an interdisciplinary curriculum ranging from the Middle Ages to the present day. Appointments for interviews at the 2011 MLA Convention in Los Angeles will be made in December. We especially welcome applications from individuals who will contribute to diversity and equal opportunity in higher education. Send letter of application, complete dossier including CV and at least three recommendations (refer potential letter-writers to the UC Berkeley Statement of Confidentiality at, and a writing sample (in English or Italian; no more than 25 pages), to Steven Botterill, Chair, Department of Italian Studies, 6303 Dwinelle Hall, UC, Berkeley, CA 94720-2620. Postmark deadline for completed application is November 30, 2010. UC Berkeley is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity employer.

PhD online

Tratto da:

15 September 2010

Online learning programs are very common nowadays, especially with more and more people preferring it over the traditional learning method, as it allows them to work and pursue further education at the same time. PhD degrees, which are usually earned by going into universities and staying for at least a year or two, can now be earned through online PhD degree programs, and this can be done at the comfort of their own homes.

Online PhD degree programs can be taken on many different universities, both locally and internationally. These universities have their own set of requirements for those who wish to pursue adult education, with some having more strict requirements, such as having a Master's degree or having a good scholastic record.

While some students may pass the requirements set by these universities, others might have a hard time finding the right university that will admit them. Fortunately, there are universities that will welcome them, regardless of them having good grades. These universities are called "open universities". Open universities allow everyone to take online PhD degree programs, as well as other courses, without any entry and residency requirements. Their goal is to provide quality and affordable adult education, regardless of them having a good scholastic record or not in the past.

Open universities can be found on almost every country. In the United Kingdom, there is even a university named "The Open University" , which is funded by the UK government. In Hong Kong, there's also The Open University of Hong Kong that follows on the footsteps of the latter, which offers various courses such as Doctorate in Business Administration. In India, the Nalanda Open University is the one of Indian universities that offers online PhD degree programs. This university boasts of state-of-the-art library, and a fully-automated system, coupled with state-of-the-art computers, to ensure high quality education. Other countries, like Philippines and the Netherlands have their own Open Universities as well, namely, University of the Philippines Open Universityand Open University Netherland, respectively.

Almost all open universities have made it possible to earn online PhD degrees on all courses. To be sure, you should contact them and ask them about the courses they offer. Alternatively, you can visit their website for the list of courses and requirements for being admitted.

You are receiving this weekly newsletter as a subscriber to

We hope this series of newsletters will help keep you informed on all that is happening with online PhD programs around the world.

Thanks and all the very best from the team at

15, Glebe, Chelmsford, Essex CM1 1QG, UNITED KINGDOM

Insegnare online

Da Il Due Blog

Esistono ormai da qualche tempo delle piattaforme molto simili a Facebook che sono dedicate specificatamente a mettere in contatto parlanti nativi con apprendenti di lingua.

Quindi se impari l’inglese e parli italiano da madrelingua cercherai di entrare in contatto con persone che parlano l’inglese e imparano l’italiano.

Insomma, il Metodo Tandem in rete.

I siti principali che offrono un servizio del genere sono (metto i link a siti di informazioni aziendali, dove trovate anche l’URL della piattaforma):

Palabea e-Services GmbH,





Alcuni servizi sono gratuiti e altri a pagamento. Infatti questi siti rappresentano una possibile fonte di lavoro per insegnanti, perché molti di essi offrono l’opportunità di dare lezioni on-line. Anche per questo vale la pena darci un’occhiata ;)



Autore articolo: Ciro

Assist. Prof. of Italian - Univ. of Rochester

Italian: University of Rochester, Eastman School of Music, Humanities Department. Position Announcement: Assistant Professor of Italian. The Eastman School of Music of the University of Rochester invites applications for a 3-year renewable, non-tenure-track appointment in Italian to begin fall 2011. Candidates should demonstrate strong commitment to teaching courses in Italian language, literature, and culture. Completed Ph.D. preferred. Area of specialization open. Ability to teach Italian lyric diction desirable but not required. Further information at Review of applications begins October 31, 2010. Interviews at MLA in Los Angeles. To receive full consideration, please submit a letter of application, curriculum vitae, writing sample, and three current letters of recommendation to via attachment with subject Italian Search to or by regular mail to: Timothy Scheie, Chair, Chair, Humanities Search Committee, Eastman School of Music, 26 Gibbs Street, Rochester, New York 14604-2505. The Eastman School of Music seeks to create a musical community that is rich with cultural, social, and intellectual diversity. We are an Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer and actively encourage applications from groups underrepresented in higher education.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Babel Labs cerca insegnanti

Dalla mailing list di :
- si risponda a

Message: 3
Date: Wed, 1 Sep 2010 08:33:21 +0200
From: "Babel Labs"
Subject: [ITA_L2] Ricerca insegnanti di italiano L2 - TORINO (zona
Message-ID: <6781f36ba8f74a6ea4de3501ff353fb4@unicornibe2c5a>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

Buongiorno a tutti!

Siamo una piccola scuola privata di prossima apertura insediata nella periferia di Torino e stiamo attualmente cercando alcuni insegnanti di italiano L2 in possesso di certificazione DITALS.
Richiediamo un minimo di esperienza e passione per l'insegnamento.
Le persone interessate sono invitate ad inviarci il loro curriculum aggiornato con l'autorizzazione al trattamento dei dati e eventuale tariffa oraria.

Grazie per l'attenzione!

Babel Labs

Cercasi docenti italiano L2 a Roma

Dalla mailing list di : 

Message: 1
Date: Thu, 26 Aug 2010 16:25:10 +0200
From: "Light Royale - Human Resources"
Subject: [ITA_L2] Richiesta docenti italiano L2 - Roma
Message-ID: <001201cb452a$7d7873a0$78695ae0$@com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

Buongiorno a tutti,

la Light Royale, scuola di italiano per stranieri con sede a Roma, sta
cercando docenti di italiano L2.

Le lezioni previste saranno esclusivamente individuali e da svolgersi presso
la sede dei nostri clienti.

L’offerta di lavoro è finalizzata a ricercare collaboratori per contratti
occasionali e non finalizzata all’assunzione.

Si prega di inviare il C.V. a per partecipare alla
prossima selezione per un eventuale colloquio conoscitivo.

La data prevista per il prossimo colloquio sarà entro la metà del mese di

Data di pubblicazione annuncio: 26 agosto 2010

Grazie a tutti!

Human Resources

Light Royale

Via F.Nerini, 7 – 00153 Roma

Tel. +39.06.5728.4303