Friday, September 28, 2012

Dante Alighieri di Tegucigalpa

Ricevuto da

Istituto di Lingua Italiana convenzionato con l'Università per Stranieri di Siena, sede d'esame CILS,
cerca insegnante/i di lingua italiana per un periodo da nove mesi ad un anno. Possibilità di ottenere
la certificazione DITALS. Interessati contattare:

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Tirocini a Graz

Da :

Tirocini e borse di studio

Il Centro Europeo di Lingue Moderne accoglie tirocinanti due volte all'anno per un periodo dai 3 ai 6 mesi.

Il ruolo principale dell'ECML, struttura del Consiglio d'Europa, è di favorire l'implementazione delle politiche a favore delle lingue e la promozione di approcci innovativi nell'apprendimento e l'insegnamento delle lingue moderne.

Requisiti: I tirocinanti dovranno essere laureati e preferibilmente specializzati, essere plurilingui (inglese, francese, tedesco) e possedere conoscenze informatiche. Riceveranno una somma mensile di 686 Euro per le spese di sussistenza e un contributo per le spese di viaggio.

Periodo: Gennaio-Giugno 2013

Luogo di realizzazione: Graz- Austria

Maggiori informazioni:
European Centre for Modern Languages of
the Council of Europe
Nikolaiplatz 4
A-8020 Graz
T: 43 316 323554
F: 43 316 323554-4

Berdeley University

Da :

The Department of Italian Studies at the University of California, Berkeley, seeks to appoint a 100% time Lecturer who will serve as coordinator for its undergraduate language program for the 2013-14 academic year (effective 7/1/13), with possibility of renewal and subsequent continuing lecturer status. In addition to coordinating the department's lower-division language instruction program and supervising the lecturers and graduate student instructors who teach in it, the appointee will conduct upper-division Italian language and culture courses and a graduate seminar in pedagogy. Applicants must hold an advanced degree in Italian or closely related field (M.A. or above), and have substantial experience in the teaching of Italian language to non-native speakers, as well as in curriculum design and administration. Significant training in second-language acquisition and/or applied linguistics is expected, as well as the ability to apply recent developments in the application of technology and new media to language teaching and learning. Experience of summer programs in Italy and willingness to contribute to the growth of education abroad programs at Berkeley would be an asset. Salary is commensurate with postsecondary teaching experience. Materials, including a CV, a statement of teaching philosophy, evidence of teaching effectiveness, sample pedagogical materials, and three confidential letters of reference must be submitted electronically at
Application deadline: November 15, 2012. Please refer potential referees to the UC Berkeley statement of confidentiality at: We encourage applications from individuals who will contribute to diversity in higher education. The University of California is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.
Albert Russell Ascoli
Terrill Distinguished Professor
Chair, Department of Italian Studies
6325 Dwinelle Hall
University of California Berkeley
Berkeley, CA 94720-2620
fax: 510-642-6220
phone: 510-542-2704

Concorso 2012

Concorso ministeriale per l'insegnamento nelle scuole italiane dell'infanzia, primarie e secondarie:

Saturday, September 22, 2012

University of Minnesota

The Department of French and Italian in the College of Liberal Arts, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, invites applications for a full-time, tenure-track position in Italian Studies to begin fall semester 2013 (August 26, 2013).

The Department welcomes applications from candidates in Italian Studies (literature and culture) or related fields. Candidates' work may focus on any time period or genre. The Department is particularly interested in candidates whose work displays a methodological or theoretical focus that complements the existing strengths of the Department. Candidates' work should support the Department's undergraduate major and graduate minor, and contribute to broader cross-departmental and cross-disciplinary teaching and research.

The appointment will be 100% time over the nine-month academic year (late-August to late-May). Appointment will be made at the rank of tenure-track assistant professor, consistent with collegiate and University policy.

-- completed Ph.D. (or equivalent) in Italian Studies or in a related field, and a dissertation on a topic appropriate to this position. The completed doctorate must be in hand before the beginning of the appointment.
-- demonstrated scholarly excellence with evidence of potential for scholarly distinction, a well-planned program of research, and an ability to teach at both the undergraduate and graduate levels.
-- primary research and teaching interests in Italian Studies.
-- native or near-native ability in Italian and English.

-- college/university-level teaching experience.
-- research and teaching interests that engage with theoretical discussions in other disciplines in the humanities.

Candidates will be evaluated according to the overall quality of their academic preparation and scholarly work, evidence of research ability, evidence of commitment to teaching and skills as a teacher, and the strength of recommendations.

Cercasi Tirocinanti a Roma


Cerco tirocinanti -Centro di Formazione Soc.Dante Alighieri (Insegnamento Lingua Italiana)

scritto da Federico E-mail, Roma, 05.09.2012, 10:04

Siamo un centro di formazione linguistica riconosciuto dalla Società Dante Alighieri. Per le nostre attività di assistenza linguistica ai migranti residenti a Roma, cerchiamo tirocinanti per svolgere attività didattica con affiancamento da parte degli insegnanti di ruolo. Le ore di tirocinio svolte sono propedeutiche al conseguimento dei diplomi per l'insegnamento dell'italiano a stranieri(DITALS e DILS-PG).
Gli interessati sono pregati di contattarci all'indirizzo

Volentari SVE nelle scuole dell'Irlanda del Nord


volontari SVE in Irlanda del Nord (scadenza a breve) (Insegnamento Lingua Italiana)

scritto da joint, 13.09.2012, 13:18

Bryson Charitable Group, Irlanda Del Nord, sta cercando dei volontari per alcuni suoi progetti SVE.

Il primo Youth Team prevede la promozione del volontariato della partecipazione attiva nelle scuole e nella comunità locale.

Il progetto dura 12 mesi e comincerà a febbraio 2013. Vedi l'allegato EVS Volunteer Role Description Youth Team

Il secondo·Outreach and Engagement prevede la promozione del volontariato e diffusione delle informazioni riguardanti varie opportunita' di volontariato (supportare il centro di volontariato, partecipare alle fiere, festival etc)

Il progetto dura 12 mesi e comincerà a febbraio 2013. Vedi l'allegato EVS Volunteer Role Description Outreach Volunteer

Il terzo IT Volunteer prevede affiancamento al IT officer nello sviluppo e gestione dei software e database usati dal personale e dai volontari. Il progetto dura 12 mesi e comincerà a febbraio 2013. Vedi l'allegato EVS Volunteer Role Description IT Volunteer

Per candidarvi scrivete il vostro CV e una lettera di motivazione (in inglese) a entro 9am UK time, Monday 17th September.

indicando il titolo del progetto a cui volete candidarvi Youth Team o Outreach & Engagement o IT.

Per sapere cos'è lo SVE e come funziona puoi andare alla pagina "Parti subito!" (

Toronto - Lecturer of Italian


Lecturer in Italian (Insegnamento Lingua Italiana)

scritto da Toronto, 17.09.2012, 08:56

Department of Language Studies

University of Toronto Mississauga

Mississauga, ON, Canada

Lecturer in Italian

The Department of Language Studies at the University of Toronto Mississauga invites applications for a teaching stream position in Italian Studies at the rank of Lecturer, beginning July 1, 2013. The Department is particularly interested in candidates with a demonstrated ability to teach a wide variety of Italian courses (language, literature, cinema, theater and culture courses). Knowledge of any other language taught in the Department would be an asset.

The successful candidate is expected to have earned a Ph.D. in Italian Studies by July 1, 2013, have an established record of excellence in, and a demonstrated commitment to teaching. The successful candidate will be expected to undertake teaching of the large class-size introductory language courses in Italian at the undergraduate level, participate in the development of undergraduate curriculum, engage in undergraduate mentorship, as well as in course coordination. The successful candidate is expected to contribute to the extensive outreach, co-curricular and experiential learning activities in Italian (such as the annual play, internship program, etc.), and to help foster a vibrant intellectual environment for our undergraduate programs.

Appointment at the rank of Lecturer may be renewed annually to a maximum of five years. In the fifth year of service, Lecturers shall be reviewed and a recommendation be made with respect to promotion to the rank of Senior Lecturer. Salary is commensurate with qualifications and experience.

For further details and to apply online please visit Job# 1201154. Applications should include a cover letter, curriculum vitae, and a teaching dossier (including a statement of teaching philosophy, sample course syllabi and course evaluations). If you have questions about this position, please contact All application materials should be submitted online.

The UofT application system can accommodate up to five attachments (10 MB) per candidate profile; please combine attachments into one or two files in PDF/MS Word format. Submission guidelines can be found at:

Applicants should also ask at least three referees to send letters directly to the department via e-mail to Professor Emmanuel Nikiema, Chair of the Search Committee, at by the closing date, January 11, 2013.

The Department of Language Studies website:

EEO/AA Policy

The University of Toronto is strongly committed to diversity within its community and especially welcomes applications from visible minority group members, women, Aboriginal persons, persons with disabilities, members of sexual minority groups, and others who may contribute to the further diversification of ideas. All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority.

Please reference in your cover letter when applying for or inquiring about this job announcement.

Contact Information

Contact Joanna Szewczyk

Department of Language Studies

University of Toronto Mississauga

3359 Mississauga Road North

North Building, Room 235B

Mississauga, ON L5L 1C6



Saturday, September 15, 2012

Mi è stato segnalato il seguente link per ricerca lavoro:

In questo link si trovano le offerte dello stesso sito nei vari Paesi:

Ringrazio per la segnalazione.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Lecturer of Italian

Full-time Lecturer of Italian beginning September 1, 2013. The Department of Romance Languages is seeking a full-time lecturer in Italian to teach all levels of language (three courses per semester). Native or near-native fluency in Italian, M.A., and previous college-level teaching experience required; Ph.D. desirable. Participation in extra-curricular activities, familiarity with instructional technology, and other university service expected. Review of applications begins November 16, 2012, and continues until the position is filled. Send cover letter, updated CV, and three confidential letters of reference to:

Professor Jos Antonio Mazzotti, Chair
Department of Romance Languages, Tufts University
180 Packard Avenue, Olin Center
Medford, MA 02155

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Tirocinio a Corfù

La scuola di lingue straniere "A.Manzoni" con sede a Corfù offre la possibilità di fare
un periodo di tirocinio all' insegnamento dell' Italiano LS.Livelli da A1 a C1, studenti adulti,adolescenti e bambini,periodo da ottobre a dicembre.Il futuro insegnante da formare dovrebbe essere in possesso di una laurea umanistica, e preferibilmente di certificati Ditals, Cedils oppure di un master in didattica dell' italiano come LS.Gli interessati possono mandare lettera di motivazione e CV con foto a:

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Le borse di studio Fulbright

Si veda

Borse di studio per Italiani

Borse di studio Fulbright per gli anni accademici 2013/14 e 2014/15:

Le borse di studio Fulbright, offerte per progetti di studio, ricerca ed insegnamento nelle migliori università statunitensi, sono riservate a cittadini italiani:

Laureati (laurea vecchio ordinamento, laurea magistrale e laurea triennale) o diplomati dalle Accademie d'Arte o Musica.
Assegnisti di ricerca, ricercatori, professori associati, professori universitari.

Requisito di partecipazione ai concorsi Fulbright è una ottima conoscenza della lingua inglese comprovata dal certificato TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) o dal certificato IELTS (International English Language Testing System, modalità Academic format).
Per maggiori informazioni sul test TOEFL consultare anche la Guida allo studio negli USA.

Tutte le borse di studio Fulbright includono le spese di viaggio tra l'Italia e gli Stati Uniti e la copertura medico assicurativa finanziata dal Governo degli Stati Uniti.

Il numero di borse di studio da assegnare nelle diverse categorie.viene determinato dalla Commissione Fulbright sulla base della verifica annuale della disponibilità finanziaria assicurata dai contributi dei due Governi Statunitense ed Italiano.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

University of Minnesota


Assistant Professor of Italian Studies
University of Minnesota 38 reviews - Minneapolis-Saint Paul, MN
See original job posting at University of Minnesota »
The Department of French and Italian in the College of Liberal Arts, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, invites applications for a full-time, tenure-track position in Italian Studies to begin fall semester 2013 (August 26, 2013).

The Department welcomes applications from candidates in Italian Studies (literature and culture) or related fields. Candidates' work may focus on any time period or genre. The Department is particularly interested in candidates whose work displays a methodological ...
University of Minnesota - 1 day ago - save job - block

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

In questo link vi sono molte offerte per insegnanti di italiano (per stranieri e non):

Insegnamento in Brasile

Sembra che in Brasile la richiesta di insegnanti di italiano sia abbastanza consistente.
Consiglio di andare alla pagina di

Riguarda offerte di lavoro in vari paesi del mondo, e per quanto riguarda l'insegnamento sembra che il Brasile offra maggiori opportunità.


Da :

Professor de italiano
(Professor de línguas) - 1 vaga

Publicado em 13/08/2012

Dados da vaga


Ira ministrar aulas, cursos e seminários e realizar pesquisas na área de italiano e orientar os alunos.


Experiência como professor de italiano. Disponibilidade de horário.


Ensino superior completo.

Local trabalho:

São Paulo / SP - 1 vaga


Italiano - Fluente

Dados adicionais


A combinar

Forma de contratação:

A Combinar


A Combinar

Dados da empresa




Educação/ Treinamento/ Idiomas


Escola de idiomas.

Fonte: -

Prof di italiano in Brasile


Professor de italiano
Código da vaga: 1959810

(1 vaga)

Data de atualização:

Ministrará aulas de italiano.
Desejável experiência como professor de italiano.
Disponibilidade de horário.

A combinar


Não Informado

Faixa salarial:
A combinar

Níveis hierárquicos:
Especialista com Curso Superior

Área(s) de atuação:
Ensino de Idiomas, Tradutor ou Intérprete

Professore di Italiano in Brasile

Da :

Professor de italiano
Código da vaga: 1909534

(5 vagas)

Data de atualização:

Lecionará italiano, aplicar provas e atividades, planejar aula e demais atividades.
Experiência no exterior é atributo desejável.
Desejável cursos de aperfeiçoamento em pedagogia e/ou magistério do idioma italiano pode ser um diferencial. Formação: Superior incompleto

Vale Transporte
Curso de idiomas


Não Informado

Faixa salarial:
A combinar

Níveis hierárquicos:
Especialista com Curso Superior

Área(s) de atuação:
Ensino de Idiomas, Tradutor ou Intérprete

Dados da empresa

Toronto, Canada - Italian lecturer

Da :

August 25

Requisition Title:Lecturer - Italian Studies - 1201154
Job Field:Teaching Stream
Faculty / Division:University of Toronto Mississauga
Department:UTM: Language Studies
Job Posting:Aug 24, 2012
Closing Date:Jan 11, 2013

The Department of Language Studies at the University of Toronto Mississauga invites applications for a teaching stream position in Italian Studies at the rank of Lecturer, beginning July 1, 2013. The Department is particularly interested in candidates with a demonstrated ability to teach a wide variety of Italian courses (language, literature, cinema, theater and culture courses). Knowledge of any other language taught in the Department would be an asset.

The successful candidate is expected to have earned a Ph.D. in Italian Studies by July 1, 2013, have an established record of excellence in, and a demonstrated commitment to teaching. The successful candidate will be expected to undertake teaching of the large class-size introductory language courses in Italian at the undergraduate level, participate in the development of undergraduate curriculum, engage in undergraduate mentorship, as well as in course coordination. The successful candidate is expected to contribute to the extensive outreach, co-curricular and experiential learning activities in Italian (such as the annual play, internship program, etc.), and to help foster a vibrant intellectual environment for our undergraduate programs.

Appointment at the rank of Lecturer may be renewed annually to a maximum of five years. In the fifth year of service, Lecturers shall be reviewed and a recommendation be made with respect to promotion to the rank of Senior Lecturer. Salary is commensurate with qualifications and experience.

All qualified candidates are invited to apply by clicking on the link below. Applications should include a cover letter, curriculum vitae, and a teaching dossier (including a statement of teaching philosophy, sample course syllabi and course evaluations). If you have questions about this position, please contact All application materials should be submitted online.

The UofT application system can accommodate up to five attachments (10 MB) per candidate profile; please combine attachments into one or two files in PDF/MS Word format. Submission guidelines can be found at:

Applicants should also ask at least three referees to send letters directly to the department via e-mail to Professor Emmanuel Nikiema, Chair of the Search Committee, at by the closing date, January 11, 2013.

The Department of Language Studies website:



Short term position - Italian/Humanities/RE teacher. Eastern suburbs

Varied role
Short-term contract

ANZUK has an opportunity for an Italian/Humanities/RE teacher for a short-term placement to work in our client school in Melbourne's Inner East.

Our client requires a versatile teacher who is qualified to teach all subjects of this varied role from Year 8 - Year 11.

If this sounds like a chance you need to grab, click 'apply' now!

Only successful candidates will be contacted.

ANZUK is a leader of temporary, contract and permanent school staffing in Melbourne Australia and England in the UK. We offer opportunities in Government, Catholic and Private schools across all areas of Melbourne and London. We are an equal opportunity employer.

Please ensure you have up to date referee details on your application and that you have requested permission to include them on your CV. By submitting this application you are agreeing that our staff can make contact with your referees (if required) prior to our preliminary screening.

Email your applicationApply now

To be eligible to apply for this position you must have an appropriate Australian or New Zealand work visa.


Per rispondere all'annuncio andare in in Agorà, e rispondere tramite il sito cercando quest'annuncio in data 21 agosto 2012.


Insegnante d'Italiano ad Augsburg/Donauwoerth (Insegnamento Lingua Italiana)

scritto da massimilianober E-mail, Augsburg.........Mainz, 21.08.2012, 13:09

ciao a tutti!
sono massimiliano, ho fatto l'assistente COmenius a Donauwoerth (in Baviera)
durante l'anno scolastico 2011-2012 e sto per lasciare la Baviera.
In Baviera, esattamente presso la scuola INLINGUA di Augsburg e presso la VHS di Donauworth lascio vacanti due posti da insegnante di Italiano a stranieri.
Se la Germania non vi spaventa, non esitate a contattare le due suddette strutture perchè cercano con urgenza qualcuno che prenda il mio posto!

potreste anche fare il mio nome (berloco è il mio cognome)....non dovrebbero inveirvi contro!

che i pollici mi diventino lividi dal tanto schiacchiare!

Au pair italiana in Germania

Au pair in Germania.
Annuncio tratto da

aupair (Altro)

scritto da gastfamilie, 30.08.2012, 15:27

Bist du eine junge Frau im Alter von 18 bis 25 J., die in der Obhut einer netten Gastfamilie ein fremdes Land, dessen Sprache und Kultur kennenlernen möchte?

Wir sind auf den suche nach einem netten EU aupair, gerne auch ein aupairjunge, ab sofort in Viersen, Nordrhein-Westfalen

bei interesse freuen wir uns über telefonkontakt, zum abklären der ersten fragen : 0049 (0)173 1408295

Herzliche grüsse

die Gastfamilie