Monday, December 31, 2012


The School of European Languages Culture and Society (SELCS) at UCL welcomes applications for postgraduate awards from outstanding students who wish to take research degrees in the various subjects that its staff focus on. Details of the awards, procedures and deadlines may be retrieved from:

Together with its sister School, SSEES (the School of Slavonic and East European Studies), SELCS offers degrees that include the study of some 20 languages (Bulgarian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, Faroese, Hungarian, German, Icelandic, Italian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Serbian/Croatian, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish, and Ukrainian) and of the politics, history, film and other aspects of the cultures associated with these languages. SELCS and SSEES encourage interdisciplinary and cross-departmental study at all levels, undergraduate, MA and research. The resources for research in the Bloomsbury area, where UCL is located, are internationally renowned.

The SELCS and SSEES websites are as follows:



Wednesday, December 26, 2012

McGill University - Postdoctoral Fellowships

Postdoctoral Fellowships in Studies of Early Modern Europe
The Institute for the Public Life of Arts and Ideas at McGill University seeks two
postdoctoral fellows in Studies in Early Modern Europe. One will have a demonstrable research
interest in the public life of arts and ideas (A). The other will have a demonstrable research
interest in Digital Humanities (B). The Fellows will join a large, international, interdisciplinary
research project entitled, “Forms of Conversion: Religion, Culture, and Cognitive Ecologies in
Early Modern Europe and its Worlds.” “Forms of Conversion” will study how early modern
Europeans changed their confessional, political, social, and sexual identities. It will consider how
these subjective changes interrelated with broader transformations in early modernity—the
geopolitical reorientation of Europe in light of emerging relations with Islam and the Americas;
the rethinking of the knowledge of Antiquity and the Middle Ages; the reimagining of God. By
examining forms of conversion across disciplinary boundaries as a network of movements and
transformations, the project will develop an understanding of religious, cultural, and cognitive
change that will provide a new account of early modernity and a foundation for a renewed
understanding of the present age. Members of the team include scholars in Art, Architectural,
Literary, Music, and Theatre History, History of Religion, History of Cognition and Emotion,
Social and Intellectual History, and Digital Humanities. See the project description at
The start date for the year-long positions is August 1, 2013. There is the possibility of a
one-year renewal. Candidates will have a PhD in a field consonant with “Forms of Conversion,” a
research program relevant to the central interests of the project, and a record of work in one of the
two fellowship tracks. The Fellows will work on their own research program, collaborate with
colleagues in an interdisciplinary context, and may have opportunities to teach courses in their
areas of specialty. Fellow A will also take part in the development of the project’s program of
public outreach, education, and exchange and serve on the project’s Education Advisory
Committee. Fellow B will take part in the development of the project’s Digital Humanities
infrastructure and serve on the project’s Management Committee. Fellowship stipends will be
approximately $40,000CDN per annum, plus travel and research support. Applications, consisting
of a description of research program, writing sample, and CV must be sent by email (.pdf
attachments only) by April 5, 2013 to Paul Yachnin, Tomlinson Professor of Shakespeare Studies,
McGill University at Please indicate clearly whether you wish to
be considered for the A or B track. Please also arrange for three letters of reference to be sent to
the same email address by the April 5 deadline. Candidates should ask referees to include the
candidate’s name on the subject line of the email.

Friday, December 21, 2012

MIUR: 281 posti per giovani insegnanti all'estero

Segnalatomi da Federico Salvaggio.

Concorso del MIUR per giovani che vogliano insegnare all'estero.
Scadenza: 12 gennaio 2013

281 posti per insegnare italiano all'estero. Candidati entro il 12 gennaio!
Il tanto atteso bando del Miur che consente ogni anno a tanti giovani studenti di insegnare italiano all'estero è uscito. Ci si potrà candidare dal 19 dicembre fino al 12 gennaio 2013
di Valentina Vacca 12 dicembre 2012

Insegnare italiano all'estero: tutte le opportunità
Con Movin'Up un sostegno per la mobilità degli artisti
Altre 155 borse di studio da Intercultura

Saranno 281 quest'anno i posti disponibili per insegnare lingua italiana all'estero all'interno di scuole o università. In particolare, i posti saranno così ripartiti: 30 per l'Austria, 3 per il Belgio, ben 169 per la Francia, 6 per l'Irlanda, 29 per la Germania, 15 per il Regno Unito e 29 per la Spagna.


Possono partecipare alla selezione i laureati e gli studenti dei seguenti corsi di laurea: LM-14; 16/S; 40/S; LM-15; 15/S; LM-36; 41/S; LM-37; 42/S; LM-38; 43/S; LM-39; 44/S; LM-78; 17/S; 18/S; 96/S; LM-84; 93/S; 94/S; 97/S; 98/S; LM-94; 104/S; 39/S. Oltre questo, è necessario che i candidati abbiano sostenuto almeno due esami di lingua o letteratura del paese per il quale ci si candida e inoltre altri due esami di lingua o letteratura italiana.


Il limite di età è di 30 anni. Ai vincitori verrà dato un contributo mensile che varia di paese in paese. Gli incarichi inizieranno a partire dall'autunno del 2013. Per candidarvi dovrete registrarvi nel sito del Miur e poi, a partire dal 19 dicembre sarà possibile inviare la domanda di partecipazione via telematica attraverso questo link.


Ad ogni modo, vi consiglia prima di candidarvi di leggere molto attentamente il bando di concorso, scaricabile qu

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Teaching Fellowship in Italian Translation - Bath

Dalla newsletter di

Dear colleagues,

A part-time, fixed term post of Teaching Fellow in Italian
translation (ref. SC1435) has been advertised on the University of
Bath website with a closing date of 02 Jan 2013.

The post is fixed-term from 28 January to 31 October 2013 working
0.4FTE, 14.6 hours per week.

You can view the advert at

Please submit an application via the online system. If this presents a
problem, please refer to HR on 01225 384146, who will be able to assist.

'The Department of Politics, Languages and International Studies,
University of Bath, seeks to recruit a Teaching Fellow in Italian
translation who will be responsible for teaching translation from
Italian into English at undergraduate and postgraduate level. A high
level of proficiency in Italian and English is required, as is
previous experience teaching translation in a Higher Eduction context.
The successful candidate will be required to supervise postgraduate

Best wishes,

Adalgisa Giorgio

Dr Adalgisa Giorgio
Senior Lecturer in Italian Studies
Italian Language Convenor
Coordinator Incoming Erasmus Students, English Language
Assistantships, Italian Year Abroad
Chair University Equality & Diversity Network

Department of Politics, Languages and International Studies
University of Bath
Claverton Down
Bath BA2 7AY - UK
Tel: 0044 (0) 1225 386171
Office Number: 1WN 2.3

Monday, December 3, 2012

Fellowship in Italian Studies at Cambridge Univ


Pembroke College, Cambridge
Keith Sykes Research Fellowship in Italian Studies
Pembroke College, Cambridge

Following the appointment of the second Keith Sykes Research Fellow, Dr Kenneth Clarke, to an Anniversary Research Lectureship in Medieval Literature at the University of York, the College hopes to elect not later than 15 March 2013 to a KEITH SYKES RESEARCH FELLOWSHIP IN ITALIAN STUDIES, with tenure from 1 October 2013. Candidates should have recently completed or be about to complete a doctoral degree.

The College welcomes applications from scholars with research interests in any aspect of Italian culture and history from the age of Dante to the present: relevant disciplines may include Italian language and literature, music, history and art history. The tenure of the Fellowship will be for five years. The holder will be encouraged to do a limited amount of teaching for the College, and to offer an annual course of lectures in a relevant University Department or Faculty, but would require the permission of the Governing Body to undertake other paid work, and will be expected to support an annual "Italian evening" and the annual Keith Sykes Lecture.

The stipend payable from 1 October 2013 will range from £21,383 to £24,049 and is reviewed annually. Further financial particulars are available on request.

Applications, which are due by 7 January 2013, should be made online by clicking the Apply link below, where relevant links are available. Informal enquiries can be made to the Senior Tutor's Assistant, Sally Clowes, at