Friday, September 14, 2007

opportunità in europa - corso in slovenia

(da Banca Dati Giovani dello SCI di Palermo)
Subject: [Bancadatigiovani] Corso di formazione su fondi comunitari per attività sociali

Vi informiamo che Bancadatigiovani è partner del progetto "Insieme: 50 anni di diritti ed opportunità per la cittadinanza attiva in Europa", realizzato da un network di associazioni ed enti in Italia, Slovenia e Spagna.

Nell'ambito del progetto si svolgeranno diversi seminari e corsi di formazione sulle opportunità che l'Europa e le sue istituzioni offrono alle organizzazioni attive nel sociale.

Tutte le attività sono co-finanziate dal programma comunitario "L'Europa per i cittadini".

Il primo corso di formazione, dal titolo "Get the money and DON'T run away" si svolgerà in Slovenia dal 25 al 29 ottobre.
Tutti i dettagli sono contenuti nel file pdf allegato.

L'application form di candidatura al corso (visto che è previsto il rimborso delle spese è necessario fare una selezione dei partecipanti) va inviata entro il 22 settembre all'indirizzo

buona lettura

(testo della locandina)

Argonauti società Italian Branch De Amicitia Matafir Imágenes y palabras
cooperativa sociale Slovenian Branch
In cooperation with
Italian Ministry of Justice
Office for Social Services for Youth -Palermo
Training and information on EU programs and funds for social
inclusion and active citizenship initiatives
Slovenia – 25/29 October 2007
50 years after the signature of the Treaty of Rome and despite of the goodwill of the Signers, the concept of
“European citizenship” looks far from being part of the daily life of European citizens.
European Institutions continue to be often perceived as something too far: more than opportunities, Europe
and its Institutions are perceived as «another wheel» of bureaucracy: «Eurocracy» more than “European
The European Union, its Institutions and its programs and initiatives can indeed be a source of support for
many activities run by active civil society in Europe, in particular those active in the field of social work
through voluntary activities.
Quite often, European citizens are not aware of the links between daily life and activities of
European Institutions. This is part of a vicious circle to be broken: people don’t know rights and
opportunities offered by Europe and therefore don’t look for information and the less they express
an active citizenship and therefore the less they know.
The project
A network of NGOs working in Italy, Slovenia and Spain is currently running a project under the “Europe for
Citizens” which include different meetings in order to present how European Union influence our daily life
and how its actions can be “used” to support active citizenship activities run by non-profit organizations.
Our project aims to break the vicious circle mentioned above: instead of «waiting for citizens
looking for information» we want promote an «information that goes toward the citizens» and by
this mean promote their rights, their participation and active citizenship.
This training
The training and information session to be run in October will provide the participants with information and

first level skills to use different European programs in order to support and co-fund their social activities. In
particular 4 different issues will be addressed, in relation to specific European initiatives:
-Youth (Youth in action program)
-Active citizenship (Europe for Citizens program)
-Social inclusion (Progress program)
-Social inclusion not only in Europe: International solidarity and Development issues EIDHR
European instruments for democracy and human rights and ENPI – European neighborhood policy
The participant’s profile
From what said it is evident that we aim to particularly involve members, staff and volunteers of social
organizations who promote the participation and active citizenship by mean of volunteering and
informal learning processes. All the participants are requested to act, once back in their
country/organizations, as multiplier, sharing the info and the acquired skills inside their organization
in order to improve their effectiveness and the impact of their activities at local level.
Due to EU rules, the participation is foreseen for citizens coming from the current 27 EU
member countries: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland,
France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latria, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands,
Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom
There is no age restriction for the participants.
We expect to have in the training 21 participant from countries other than Slovenia and 8 from
Financial condition for the participation
Board and lodging will be provided by the organization.
All the participants will get a travel reimbursement to be established according to the city of
departure. Average reimbursement will be 70% of the actual cost (average reimbursement will be
about 200 Euro) but in any case the reimbursement cannot exceed 90% of the actual cost and/or 250
A participation fee is required, according to the country of residence of the participant, from 10 to
50 euro. See the attached table for more info.
Please note that travel reimbursement will be provided only once the original of the ticket and any
other required document (such as boarding passes, invoice of travel agency, etc.) will be provided.
The travel reimbursement will be done by pink-slip system (for participants from SCI branches) or
in cash at the meeting.
SCI – Slovenija Zavod Voluntariat will host the training. The location will very probably be in
Izola, one of the small towns at Slovenian coast. Here you can see some pictures and get
information on Slovenia and Izola
The participants will be informed about the exact location together with the participation
How to apply -Selection and confirmation procedure
Candidates are required to apply by filling the attached application form, in English and in capital
letters and send it on the 22of September at the latest.
Please note that the final declaration of authorization to store electronically the data of the
applicants is compulsory according to Italian legislation on privacy protection.

A first selection procedure will be closed on the 28of September and all the selected candidates
will be informed by email. A waiting list will be created in case some of the first selected withdraw
their application.
The selected ones MUST CONFIRM their participation by sending a copy of the travel ticket or
of the advance payment of the participation fee at the latest on the 7of October. If not
confirmed, their participation will be cancelled and then the participation will be open to the
candidates from the waiting list.
For further information on the project, you can contact or tel. +386.1.2391620
Looking forward to receiving your applications.
See you there!
Argonauti Società Cooperativa (Palermo, Italy), Servizio Civile Internazionale (Roma, Italy), Zavod
Voluntariat (Ljubljana, Slovenia), Imagen y Palabras (Burgos, Spain), De Amicizia (Gargantilla del
Lozoya, Spain), Ufficio del Servizio Sociale per i Minorenni (Palermo, Italy)
Participation fees according to the country of residence of the participants
Country of residence Euro
Austria 40
Belgium 45
Bulgaria 10
Cyprus 30
Czech Republic 30
Denmark 45
Estonia 20
Finland 45
France 40
Germany 40
Greece 30
Hungary 25
Ireland 50
Italy 40
Latvia 20
Lithuania 20
Luxembourg 50
Malta 25
Netherlands 45
Poland 20
Portugal 30
Romania 10
Slovakia 20
Slovenia 30
Spain 35
Sweden 45
United Kingdom