Sunday, December 18, 2011
Lehrkraft - Munster Universitaet
Lehrkraft für besondere Aufgaben (ital. Literaturwissenschaf (Insegnamento Lingua Italiana)
scritto da muester, 14.12.2011, 14:50
Am Romanischen Seminar des Fachbereichs 09 Philologie der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster ist zum 1. April 2012 zunächst für die Dauer von zwei Jahren eine halbe Stelle einer
„Lehrkraft für besondere Aufgaben“ (1/2 TV-L 13)
zu besetzen. Die auf dieser halben Stelle zu leistende regelmäßige Arbeitszeit beträgt zurzeit 19h55min wöchentlich. Ggf. besteht die Möglichkeit einer Verlängerung der Stelle.
Die zukünftige Stelleninhaberin / der zukünftige Stelleninhaber soll Lehrveranstaltungen im Bereich der italienischen Literaturwissenschaft im Umfang von 6-8 Semesterwochenstunden (je nach Umfang der sonstigen Dienstaufgaben) abhalten. Es wird zudem erwartet, dass sich die Stelleninhaberin / der Stelleninhaber an den Aufgaben der universitären Selbstverwaltung und an Prüfungen in allen in Betracht kommenden Studiengängen beteiligt sowie organisatorische Funktionen (z. B. Betreuung der ERASMUS-Kontakte) übernimmt.
Einstellungsvoraussetzungen sind ein sehr guter oder guter Hochschulabschluss (Master, Magister oder 1. Staatsexamen) im Bereich der Italienischen Philologie und sehr gute Italienisch-kenntnisse. Erwünscht sind ferner Studien- oder Arbeitserfahrung im Ausland sowie pädagogische Erfahrung.
Bewerbungen von Frauen sind ausdrücklich erwünscht. Frauen werden bei gleicher Eignung, Befähigung und fachlicher Leistung bevorzugt berücksichtigt, sofern nicht in der Person eines Mitbewerbers liegende Gründe überwiegen. Schwerbehinderte werden bei gleicher Qualifikation bevorzugt.
Ihre vollständigen Bewerbungsunterlagen (Lebenslauf und akademischer Werdegang, Zeugnisse, ggf. Schriftenverzeichnis, ggf. Verzeichnis der Lehraktivitäten, ggf. Sprach- oder Praktikumszertifikate) richten Sie bitte bis zum 13. Januar 2012 schriftlich an:
Prof. Dr. Tobias Leuker
Romanisches Seminar
der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität
Bispinghof 3 A
D-48143 Münster
Quinnipac University
Italian: Tenure Track Faculty Position
Quinnipiac University | Hamden, CT
Italian: Tenure Track Faculty Position
Modern Languages-1422
Reports to
Chair, Department of Modern Languages
Primary Function
The Department of Modern Languages invites applications for a tenure-track position of Assistant or Associate Professor of Italian to begin in fall 2012.
Job Duties
Teach Italian at all levels and to coordinate sections of lower level Italian.
Posted @ Dec 18, 2011
Video concorso di Edilingua
Ecco i tre link del loro canale Youtube in cui si possono vedere i risultati per tutte le categorie di concorrenti:
· studenti in generale
· adolescenti
· bambini
Edizioni Edilingua
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Italiano a Corfù (Grecia)
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Italiano a Terni
Dalla newsletter di :
> CIDIS onlus, associazione no profit da anni impegnata per la promozione dei
> dirittti degli immigrati, ricerca per le sede di Terni, Docenti
> specializzati nell'insegnamento dell'Italiano L2 da inserire nell'elenco dei
> propri collaboratori, per la realizzazione di corsi di alfabetizzazione
> sociolinguistica rivolti a cittadini immigrati.
> E' possibile inviare il proprio curriculum ai seguenti indirizzi mail:
> oppure citando nell'oggetto
> _______________________________________
> Dott.ssa Maria Teresa Terreri
> CIDIS onlus
> L.go Regina Coeli 8/A - Napoli
> Tel - Fax: +39 081 5571218
> cell. +39 347 4804061
Italiano a Mosca
La Scuola Italiana Italo Calvino di Mosca cerca urgentemente per l'anno scolastico 2011-2012 un
insegnante di italiano e latino per le classi I e II liceo. Visto annuale e stipendio (2200 euro circa)
garantiti. Contattare la Signora Giusa Lancini
Monday, November 7, 2011
Italiano L2 a Terni
CIDIS onlus, associazione no profit da anni impegnata per la promozione dei
dirittti degli immigrati, ricerca per le sede di Terni, Docenti
specializzati nell'insegnamento dell'Italiano L2 da inserire nell'elenco dei
propri collaboratori, per la realizzazione di corsi di alfabetizzazione
sociolinguistica rivolti a cittadini immigrati.
E' possibile inviare il proprio curriculum ai seguenti indirizzi mail: oppure citando nell'oggetto
Dott.ssa Maria Teresa Terreri
CIDIS onlus
L.go Regina Coeli 8/A - Napoli
Tel - Fax: +39 081 5571218
cell. +39 347 4804061
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Friday, October 28, 2011
Italiano L2 a Monselice (Padova)
Scuole italiane all'estero.
Scadenza della domanda online: 7 novembre 2011.
Friday, October 21, 2011
Italiano a Mosca
Segnalatomi da Arianna Conte:
Language Link, a language school in Russia, is looking for a full-time teacher
of Italian as a Foreign Language. This potentially long-term position is
for an immediate start and will be based in Moscow. Competitive salary,
accommodation and visa support are provided. We are looking for an
enthusiastic and reliable candidate with at least one year of teaching
experience. For further details about Language Link, please see: To apply, please send a CV and short cover letter, together with copies of your educational documents, to, and also copied to
Friday, October 14, 2011
Lettore in Danimarca
From: Francesco Caviglia
Subject: [ITA_L2] posto da "lettore di madrelingua" a Aarhus
Cari colleghi,
segnalo quest'annuncio relativo a un posto di "lettore di madrelingua" di
Italiano nel nostro Dipartimento.
Grazie per l'attenzione
Francesco Caviglia
Department of Aesthetic and Communication, University of Aarhus
Applications are invited for the post of native-speaker-of-Italian lecturer
(?foreign lecturer?).
The position is tenable from 1 January 2012 or soon after.
See more at:
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Insegnare in UK
Insegnare l'italiano in Inghilterra: come muoversi dalla A alla Z
Insegnare nelle scuole o all'università? In quelle pubbliche o quelle private? Ecco tutte le opportunità, istruzioni e contatti per chi vuole insegnare l'italiano in Inghilterra
1) Insegnamento presso le università: candidarsi per Lettore di lingua italiana
Presso alcuni atenei britannici è presente l'insegnamento della lingua italiana. E' qui che ci si può candidare per

Direzione Generale per la Promozione e la Cooperazione Culturale - Ufficio X
Piazzale della Farnesina - Roma
tel. 06 36911
I laureati non di ruolo possono rivolgersi direttamente alle università che hanno una cattedra di lingua italiana.
2) Language Assistants : Assistenti di lingua italiana all'università
Il sito del British Council fornisce informazioni dettagliate sul programma “Language Assistants” al link:
Per la posizione di assistente di lingua presso un’università britannica si può direttamente contattare le università britanniche dove si insegna l’italiano. Per questi incarichi è preferibile avere la laurea ed esperienza nell’insegnamento. I contratti spesso sono di 9 mesi (un anno accademico) e la retribuzione si aggira intorno ai £7,000-£9,000 (€10,500-€13,500) per un contratto part-time. E’ possibile reperire un elenco delle cattedre di italiano, e del personale che insegna o organizza corsi di italiano nelle università britanniche, sul - (clicca su ‘Resources’; ‘List of Staff’). E’ possibile inviare un curriculum con una lettera di presentazione. Per consigli su come scrivere un Curriculum Vitae in inglese e "cover letter" visitare il sito:
3) Insegnare nei corsi di italiano attivati dal consolato
In Inghilterra sono anche presenti corsi di italiano dal consolato italiano in Gran Bretagna
In questo caso gli insegnanti di ruolo dovranno rivolgersi al Ministero degli Esteri italiano per ottenere notizie
sul bando. Gli insegnanti non di ruolo, invece, possono rivolgersi direttamente alla Direzione Didattica della circoscrizione consolare di Londra, Edimburgo, Manchester. Per maggiori informazioni:
4) Abilitarsi all'insegnamento di italiano in U.K.
E’ possibile conseguire un titolo di studio denominato Teaching Italian as a Foreign language(TIAFL) presso l’Istituto Italiano di Cultura a Londra. Le informazioni sono reperibili sul sito:
Gli studenti universitari di cittadinanza italiana, che abbiano sostenuto almeno due esami di Lingua e letteratura Inglese e che siano iscritti almeno al terzo anno presso un'Università italiana possono presentare domanda per posti di assistenti di lingua italiana presso scuole di vario ordine e grado del Regno Unito. E' però necessario essere iscritti ad uno dei seguenti Corsi di Laurea:
- Corso di Laurea triennale (ex D.M. 509/99);
- Corso di Laurea quadriennale (ex D.M. 341/90);
- Corso di Laurea specialistica (ex D.M. 509/99).
Per informazioni consultare il sito del MPI:
6) Insegnare nelle scuole private
Le scuole private spesso richiedono al candidato una precedente esperienza nel settore. Il c.v. va inviato direttamente alle scuole: gli indirizzi sono sulle pagine gialle inglesi (inserire‘language schools’ come parola chiave).
7) Insegnanti a tempo indeterminato nelle scuole britanniche
Per informazioni sull'insegnamento presso le scuole britanniche è possibile consultare il foglio informativo del British Council ‘L’Insegnamento: Formazione Professionale ed Assunzione’ sul
Per maggiori informazioni
Istituto Italiano di Cultura
39 Belgrave Square, London SW1X 8NX
Tel: 0044/20/7235 1461 Fax: 0044/20/7235 4618
E-mail: Sito:
Ministero della Pubblica Istruzione
Relazioni Internazionali Ufficio IV
Viale Trastevere 76 A
00153 Roma - tel. 06 58491
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Part-time in Hertfordshire
Hoe Lane
Herts SG12 9NX
Tel: 01920 462210
Fax: 01920 461187
Headmistress : Mrs J M Robinson
NOR : 1080
(approx 0.3 timetable, maternity cover) (MPS + London Fringe Allowance)
* We are a high performing 11-18 all ability girls' school with a specialist status in Languages, Music and Maths & Computing, identified as outstanding following all four inspections, and as such are one of only a handful of secondary schools in the country to date to be so designated.
* We are looking to appoint for January a well-qualified part-time teacher of Italian to teach Years 9, 10 and 11 while their teacher is on maternity leave.
* We should appreciate letters of application (no forms) and CVs (including the names, addresses, telephone and fax numbers of 2 referees) as soon as possible, please.
Closing date for applications Tuesday 4th October.
Part-time a Goettingen
Dalla newsletter di
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2011 10:19:21 +0100 (BST)
From: Giulia Covezzi
Subject: [ITA_L2] Docenti di italiano - Università Göttingen
(contratto a ore)
To: ""
Carissime colleghe e colleghi,
al Centro linguistico dell'Università di Göttingen siamo alla ricerca di insegnanti qualificati nell'insegnamento dell'Italiano LS (Ditals, diploma di Master e simili) per coprire alcuni corsi di diverso livello a partire da fine ottobre. Siccome si tratta di contratti a ore (Lehraufträge) cerchiamo qualcuno che sia già in zona (Göttingen/Kassel/Hannover) e che non debba affrontare un traferimento per le poche ore. Precedente esperienza di insegnamento in ambito universitario (Universität/Hochschule/Fachhochschule) è ovviamente benvenuta!
Inviare una e-mail con CV breve (!) a:
Giulia Covezzi
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Ringrazio Alberto Regagliolo per queste segnalazioni:
Middlebury College, Department of Italian
One-year Part-time Leave Replacement Position in Italian
Closes: 11/30/2011
The Italian Department has an opening for a one-year part-time leave replacement beginning September 2012. Appointment will be made at the rank of Visiting Assistant Professor (Ph.D.), Instructor, or Lecturer. Native, or near native fluency in Italian and familiarity with the use of technology in language teaching are required. Specialization open, but preference will be given to candidates with a demonstrated excellence and commitment to language teaching.
Application materials must be received by November 30, 2011. Middlebury College usesInterfolio to collect all faculty job applications electronically. Email and paper applications will not be accepted. Middlebury College is an equal opportunity employer, committed to hiring a diverse faculty to complement the increasing diversity of the student body.
To get started, select the "Apply" button on the top right.
Instructions for Application
Through Interfolio, submit letter of application addressed to search committee chair Thomas Van Order, curriculum vitae, and three current letters of recommendation, at least two of which must speak to teaching ability.
Mount Holyoke College
Mount Holyoke is an undergraduate liberal arts college for women with 2,100 students and 210 faculty. Half the faculty are women; one fourth are persons of color. It is located about 80 miles west of Boston in the Connecticut River valley, and is a member of the Five College Consortium consisting of Amherst, Hampshire, Mount Holyoke, and Smith Colleges and the University of Massachusetts. Mount Holyoke is committed to fostering multicultural diversity and awareness in its faculty, staff, and student body and is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Women and persons of color are especially encouraged to apply.
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Corsi laurea e post-laurea
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
e, in particolare, la sezione relativa all'insegnamento della lingua italiana:
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Scuola elementare a Istanbul
Dalla newsletter di
Date: Thu, 11 Aug 2011 19:02:23 +0300
From: Anna Lia Proietti Ergün
Subject: [ITA_L2] lavoro a istanbul
Allo scopo di creare una graduatoria, la scuola elementere consolare
italiana di istanbul, cerca insegnanti elementari, non e' necessaria
l'abilitazione, ma sarebbe graditissima la doppia cittadinanza. Per il
momento si tratta di una graduatoria e le persone risultate idonee, verranno
chiamate via via che si presentera' la necessita. Per maggiori informazioni
vi prego di scrivermi in privato,
Un cordiale buon ferragosto,
Anna lia
Dr.Anna Lia Proietti Ergün
Yildiz Technical University,
Dep. of Foreign Languages and Litteratures,
Davutpa?a Cad., 34210 Esenler, Istanbul (TR)
Sunday, August 14, 2011
University of Hull
Modern Language Tutors (2011-12)
University of Hull - Department of Modern Languages
We are looking for well-qualified and experienced tutors in the following languages
Arabic, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish
to be part of a team of academics and tutors teaching on our Free elective Passport courses in the Department of Modern Languages, either on the Hull or Scarborough campus.
You will be initially added to our pool of tutors following submission of a CV and satisfactory interview.
Applicants should have a first degree in modern languages and experience of teaching in Higher Education. They should have native or near native competence in the language and an understanding of innovative approaches to language learning and teaching, including use of new technologies. Applicants should also have excellent interpersonal and communication skills.
For further information about the University and the Department go to
Please note there is no guarantee of employment at this stage and successful applicants will be added to a pool of staff who may be offered employment when suitable work becomes available.
Salary range: (£30,870 - £35,789 pa, pro rata)
To apply please send CV's to Dr Marina Mozzon-McPherson at
Closing date: 30 August 2011
Interviews may be held on September 2nd.
Work will be offered subject to student numbers.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
International Teaching Jobs
Recruitment for 2011 / 2012 / 2013
Classroom teachers, Music, Art, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, English, PE, History, Physics, Computers, French, Spanish, Chemistry, Drama, Nursery, Business Studies, Principals, Department Heads, Counselors, Librarians, ESL teachers and other educators needed!
For full details of the positions below, sign up here.
Do not procrastinate! Time is needed for visas and relocation. Some jobs are already for January 2012 start!
Last-minute jobs are filled quickly, you must apply immediately if you want to start teaching this Fall.
Login to the members' and select Job Logs -> Current to apply.
Teach Italian to motivated Italian learning students in Cyprus.
Contact Italian learning students and meet for customised one to one Italian lessons in Cyprus, alternatively start on-line Italian lessons using SKYPE or Webcam.
If you are a freelance Italian language teacher, tutor or run your Italian language school in Cyprus, and looking for great students/or Italian teaching jobs, just create your professional profile and advertise yourself.
Friday, August 5, 2011
Solaris - italiano per stranieri
Richiesta disponibilità da metà agosto fino a fine 2011.
Indispensabile laurea in lettere o in lingue e letterature straniere, lingue francese o inglese.
Chi fosse interessato è pregato di inviare il proprio curriculum vitae a: specificando nell'oggetto "INSEGNANTE MASSA"
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Cimba, consorzio universitario americanano in Italia
Below you will find information pertaining to teaching for CIMBA programs. If you are interested in persuing teaching for CIMBA, please complete the on-line application found at the link below. The application requires that you submit your CV with the application form.
Teaching Information
Teaching Application
If you have questions about teaching for CIMBA, please contact Roy Pettibone @
Monday, July 25, 2011
Cardiff University
The International Baccalaureate (IB) is currently seeking experienced individuals to take on the roles of Examiner Responsible for its Language A: language and literature course.
The International Baccalaureate (IB) is a non-profit educational foundation offering challenging programmes for a world wide community of schools. It is now represented in over 120 countries and in over 2,000 schools. The IB provides an international pre-university curriculum and an international university entry qualification, which gives access to higher education on a worldwide basis. You may be interested to visit the public website for more details.
One of the characteristics of the IB's diploma programme is that students are required to study a language A course as one of six subjects that constitute the diploma. The IB’s Language A: language and literature courses are for students aged 16-18 who have experience of using the language of the course in an academic context. The courses are firmly based on the study of both language and literature, with a focus on how the study of texts produced in a language is central to how we see and understand the world in which we live. The texts studied on this course will be diverse and in the literature elements will also include works studied in translation. At the end of the two years, students are expected to be able to focus closely on the the language of the texts they study and will be aware of the role of each text’s wider context in shaping its meaning. Formal analysis of literary works as well as an understanding of critical literacy are desired outcomes of this course.
The duties of examiner responsible include the setting and marking of examinations and may involve occasional (paid) travel to the IB curriculum and assessment centre in Cardiff, UK.
Please note that this position is part-time, involves no relocation, and is usually undertaken in addition to existing work commitments. In addition, examiners will be given clear instructions and be well supported throughout the process.
We are seeking an experienced individual with the following background:
· Native / fluent speakers of Norwegian, Korean, Italian or Russian
· Qualified to at least degree level, ideally in Norwegian, Korean, Italian or Russian literature
· Teaching experience
· Examining experience (desirable but not essential).
The IB is committed to offering the Language A: language and literature course in diverse languages, and regularly provides these examinations in sixteen different languages for its international candidature. We would be very keen to hear from all individuals with the above experience.
If you wish to apply, or would like further information, please contact Michael Rogers by e-mail (
Thank you very much for reading this message and giving consideration to it.
Michael Rogers
Academic Officer
International Baccalaureate, Cardiff, UK
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Job-shadowing a Zurigo
Dalla newsletter di :
Gentili Colleghi,
durante il prossimo anno scolastico verrà ultimato "Tracce" (,
manuale d'italiano L2 per liceali germanofoni.
Il liceo Hohe Promenade di Zurigo offre a persone interessate alla
collaborazione occasioni di "tirocinio" (da 1 a 6 settimane) nell'ambito del
progetto Comenius di Job Shadowing (
Siamo alla ricerca di persone altamente motivate a collaborare al
perfezionamento del suddetto manuale.
Requisiti minimi: laurea e formazione supplementare in didattica dell'italiano
Gli interessati possono contattare la sottoscritta, co-responsabile del
progetto (, ma soprattutto potranno incontrarmi durante
la settimana dell'11 luglio a Firenze o a Siena (visto che il progetto prevede
una stretta collaborazione occorre verificare se ci può essere affiatamento!).
Cordiali saluti
Sara Alloatti
Saturday, July 2, 2011
St. Mary's College of California - California
Lecturer in Italian, Department of Modern Languages
Saint Mary's College Of California
Saint Mary's College of California
Closing Date/Time: Fri. 07/15/11 11:59 PM Pacific Time
Job Type: Lecturer
Location: Main Campus, 1928 Saint Mary's Road, Moraga, CA 94556, California
Founded in 1863, Saint Mary's is a residential campus nestled 20 miles east of San Francisco in the picturesque Moraga Valley. Based in the Catholic, Lasallian and Liberal Arts traditions, Saint Mary's currently enrolls more than 3,500 students from diverse backgrounds in undergraduate and graduate programs. The De La Salle Christian Brothers, the largest teaching order of the Roman Catholic Church, guide the spiritual and academic character of the College.
As a comprehensive and independent institution, Saint Mary’s offers undergraduate and graduate programs integrating liberal and professional education. Saint Mary’s reputation for excellence, innovation and responsiveness in education stems from its vibrant heritage as a Catholic, Lasallian and Liberal Arts institution. An outstanding, committed faculty and staff that value shared inquiry, integrative learning and student interaction bring these traditions to life in the 21st century. The College is committed to the educational benefits of diversity.
Saint Mary’s College invites applications for a part-time Lecturer in the Department of Modern Languages for Spring 2012. We are seeking an instructor to teach a course in Italian 2 (Continuing Elementary Italian) MWF 11:30-12:30, Tu 11:20-12:20 for Spring 2012.
The successful candidate will be expected to engage in course and class preparation and grading on a daily basis, spend four (4) hours each week providing classroom instruction, and hold office hours two (2) hours each week. Candidates should also be comfortable in a small-classroom teaching environment with an interactive learning emphasis.
Experience and Qualifications:
Candidates should hold either a BA along with a demonstrated record of professional and academic excellence or a combination of professional and academic experience. MA preferred.
Demonstrated teaching effectiveness and a strong commitment to teaching undergraduate learners.
Supplemental Information:
Include a cover letter that specially addresses how you meet the qualifications and are prepared to support the mission of the College.
A complete application includes a letter of interest, resume, online application and the name and contact information for three (3) professional references.
Candidates who submit names of references should expect that references will be contacted, in confidence, by the College and that credentials will be confirmed prior to hire.
Candidates who become finalists will be expected to sign a consent authorizing a broader inquiry.
Saint Mary's is an equal employment opportunity employer. We support inclusive excellence and are committed to creating a safe and welcoming community for all.
Please visit our website at for complete job and application details.
Saint Mary's College of California is an equal opportunity employer.