Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Far avere 500 $ alla propria associazione non-profit

Volevo segnalare questo annuncio che mi è arrivato da
Chi lavora in un'organizzazione non profit all'estero (so che alcune persone insegnano italiano come volontari) può segnalare il nome dell'organizzazione entro il 20 dicembre e far avere in questo modo 500 $ alla sua associazione.
Fare attenzione alle informazioni precise indicate nella lettera sotto: bisogna essere volontari part-time, all'estero, l'associazione deve essere riconosciuta nel paese dove opera, bisogna che l'organizzazione non profit autorizzi la segnalazione del proprio nome.
Roberta Barazza


Dear Roberta,

Many teachers living and working abroad get involved in charitable work in their host countries.
This year we would like to recognise the contribution these individuals make to their chosen
charities and communities.

If you or a teaching colleague undertake voluntary work with a local charity,
we would like to hear about it. In return, the chosen charity will receive
a donation of US$500 from In addition, your charity will
also be featured in our New Year e-greeting card which is sent to all our members.

What we need:

- Send us an email outlining your involvement with your charity, what you do and
how you feel your contribution benefits your local charity and community.
Please ensure that you have the permission of your charity to submit your nomination
and that they will confirm your involvement in writing later.

- The charity should be legally registered in your host country.

Please note that to be eligible you must be a part-time volunteer i.e. not in a full-time volunteer
post. You must also be employed overseas and not in your home country.

If your nomination is successful, we will need a photograph or artwork of the charity's work to
feature within our New Year e-greeting which is distributed to our 95,000+ members at the end of
December. This will also provide your charity with excellent international exposure.

If you would like your charity to be considered for the US$500 award, we need to receive your
nomination no later than Sunday 20 December, 2009.

Good luck and a I look forward to hearing from you.

Best regards,

Veronica Jordan